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Nimat Hafez Barazangi, Editor

with M. Raquibuz Zaman and Omar Afzal

Islamic Identity and the Struggle for Justice

The University Press of Florida (1996). Translated into Arabic under the title Al Kayan Al Islami wa-Al Nidhal min Ajl Al`Adalah. Damascus: Dar Al-Fikr (1999).


Book description:

Islam today counts one billion people as adherents or believers. Its teachings produced a civilization that has flourished for fourteen centuries. Islamic identity exerts a potent force around the globe, though Muslims are often stigmatized by Westerners as a religious threat. Presenting the Islamic concept of justice, this book is an introduction to contemporary Islamic thought and practice, offering a catalyst for dialogue and understanding.


See also: Vicegerency and Gender Justice in Islam

Copyright Statement

Copyright 1996, University Press of Florida.


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